Our standards

We want to comply with the social changes that the country has had, as well as the signed treaties. In terms of sustainability, the project design incorporates Climate Change and the Escazú Agreement that seeks, among other things, to guarantee the right of all people to have access to information in a timely and adequate manner.

We are also guided by the Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation on Social and Environmental Sustainability, the Guides of the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Guidance Guide for Electrical Transmission Belt Studies of the Ministry of Energy, among others.

Crime Prevention

Sustainability Policy

Human Rights

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Internal Regulations of Order, Hygiene and Safety

At Conexión Kimal-Lo Aguirre we understand communication not only as a vehicle to inform what we do. Listening to others is as important to us as telling our stories. We want effective bidirectionality in each of the platforms where we share with people, because knowing their concerns in a timely manner allows us to reach all people with assertive communication.

It is part of our commitment

And since trust is an essential element in any relationship, we will operate with absolute transparency in our activities, sharing records and relevant information that helps every step we take go hand in hand with the communities.

At Conexión Kimal-Lo Aguirre we have a process for systematizing claims, complaints, questions, requests for suppliers, among others, so that your queries are answered. We hear you.

All are entered into a communications system that allows us to effectively manage the requirements, along with responding within the committed times, ensuring the quality of the information.

All are entered into a communications system that allows us to effectively manage the requirements, along with responding within the committed times, ensuring the quality of the information.

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability are an international reference emanating from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and required by it in its direct investments and for financing, through financial intermediaries. This allows for the detection and management of environmental and social risk throughout the investment cycle, which has been adopted by many organizations as a key component of their management.

Escazú Agreement

It is an international treaty that Chile adheres to, and which aims to guarantee the full and effective implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making processes and access to justice. in environmental matters, as well as the creation and strengthening of capacities and cooperation, contributing to the protection of the right of each person, of present and future generations, to live in a healthy environment and sustainable development.

Convention 169

The Convention is based on respect for the cultures and ways of life of indigenous peoples and recognizes their rights over lands and natural resources, as well as the right to decide their own priorities regarding the development process. The objective of the Convention is to overcome discriminatory practices that affect these peoples and make it possible for them to participate in the adoption of decisions that affect their lives.

Climate Change Framework Law

It seeks to establish a legal framework and assign specific responsibilities to public and private parties for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the context of the Chilean goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Ecuadorian Principles

They are intended to serve as a baseline and reference framework for financial institutions to identify, evaluate and manage environmental and social risks when financing projects, throughout their life cycle.