The National Electric Coordinator held the opening ceremony of administrative and technical offers for the international public tender to expand the transmission system in various parts of the country, a process that had begun last March.
As of 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, ten companies submitted a total of 37 technical offers for the different works that were being tendered, out of a total of 39 projects corresponding to exempt decree No. 4/2024, re-tendering of DE No. 200/2022 and re-tendering via Article 157.
During the opening ceremony, held on September 11, it was confirmed that the bidders uploaded the corresponding administrative and technical documents to the Electric Coordinator’s tender portal. This milestone in the process was reflected in the Minutes of the Opening of Administrative and Technical Offers published on the technical body’s website.
The works included in the process include the expansion of the Kimal Substation, which generates the spaces required for the connection of the Kimal-Lo Aguirre HVDC Line; the increase in capacity of the 1×66 kV Charrúa-Chillán Line; the laying of the second circuit of the 2×500 kV Ancoa-Charrúa Line; the expansion of the Parinas Substation, and the increase in capacity of the 2×220 kV Nueva Zaldívar-Likanantai Line, among others.
“Now, the evaluation process for the submitted offers begins and the next step will be the opening of the economic offers, scheduled for November 14, 2024,” the Electric Coordinator reported through its website.
All public information on the process is available through the following link.