Chile expands its electric transmission system with an investment of 223.7 million dollars

Chile is in the process of expanding its electric transmission system through an international public tender organized by the National Electric Coordinator. Ten companies submitted 37 technical offers for the construction and execution of works, with a reference investment of 223.7 million dollars.

Chile is in the process of expanding its electric transmission system through an international public tender organized by the National Electric Coordinator. Ten companies submitted 37 technical offers for the construction and execution of works, with a reference investment of 223.7 million dollars.

As of September 10, the participating companies included Andaluza de Montajes Eléctricos y Telefónicos Agency in Chile, Bac Ingenieros SPA, Changshu Fengfan Power Equipment Co. Ltd, Conexión Kimal-Lo Aguirre S.A., Elecnor Chile S.A., Monlux Chile S.A., PowerChina Ltd. Agency Chile, Quantum Energy SPA, Sistema de Transmisión del Sur S.A., and Tucapel Energía SPA. Of the 39 projects included in the tender, 30 received proposals.

On September 11, the Coordinator confirmed the uploading of administrative and technical documents by the proponents. The works to be tendered include the expansion of the Kimal Substation, the 1×66 kV Charrúa-Chillán Line, the second circuit of the 2×500 kV Ancoa-Charrúa Line, the expansion of the SE Parinas, and the 2×220 kV Nueva Zaldívar-Likanantai Line.

The process of evaluating bids has begun and the opening of economic bids is scheduled for November 14. This tender, which began in March, aims to strengthen the transmission infrastructure in various regions of the country.
